Custom Grade of Cherry Flooring

On this project, we worked with our client to develop a cherry flooring to meet the following criteria: length range of 2-14' with a 10' average, natural cherry color (heart, sap, light gum OK), no open defects larger than a 1/2", all at a relatively low pricepoint. Rustic but clean, if that makes sense. An off-the-rack rustic grade would not be long enough and would include too many larger defects for what their client wanted in their home.

The hardest part of this project was getting long length materials with the right kind of defects and coloration. A 14' long plank is very likely to have an open defect in it that would require us to either trim it out and get short lengths or leave it in which would miss the grade spec. We were able to source material out of Michigan that allowed us to produce the floor with a longer length spec than our client originally requested. Underpromised & overdelivered!